District Goals

Curriculum, Instructional Program, and Assessment

  • Monitor the implementation of the 5 Year Strategic Plan focused on increased rigor, innovation in academic and CTE programming, and alignment with NJSLS Standards and emerging best practices.
  • During the 2024-2025 school year, CMT will continue to provide opportunities for all staff to improve instructional practices by providing monthly professional development workshops as well as “flip” monthly staff meetings to create additional professional development opportunities.
  • CMT will increase the number of students participating in after school academic, social/emotional supports such as tutoring, School Based Youth Services (SBYS) and extra-curricular activities by 10% over 2023-2024 levels.
  • 50% (Approx. 75) of CMT Seniors will participate in Work Based Learning via internships, job shadowing, field experiences, or Work-based Wednesdays.

Professional Development

  • Through school wide committees as well as department meetings, Cape May Tech (CMT) staff will collaboratively analyze performance data to inform instruction and goal setting.
  • To build teacher capacity in the effective use of instructional technology with an emphasis on the use of digital learning tools such as Real Time, Naviance and Google Apps for Education.
  • During the 2024-2025 school year, all case managers will meet with 100% of seniors with IEPs to develop a comprehensive transition plan that identifies and supports the achievement of post-graduation plans.
  • CMT will implement and monitor the Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS) for intervention, remediation, acceleration, and enrichment that is available to all students. Teachers will utilize assessment data as well as performance in class to identify students for MTSS support. The District will collect baseline data regarding student participation in the MTSS and its impact on individual student performance.


  • Continue to provide ongoing professional development with regard to digital tools, communication devices to families, staff, and students during the 2024-2025 school year.
  • To adopt, implement and utilize an alert system for emergencies capable with both district devices and staff member’s personal devices.


  • Continue to work with the architect and all stakeholders to implement and monitor the grant for expansion and renovation of Cape May Tech through the Securing our Children’s Future Bond Act.