Testing Center

Cape May County Technical School serves as a testing center for the following tests:


The CASAS test is a free reading and math test, which can be used fo a One Stop Training grant, entrance to Cape May County Technical School's Post Secondary Programs, or as a free practice test for your HSE (GED).

Tests are offered on the following dates:

1/9/25 - 12:30 PM3/10/25 - 12:30 PM
1/31/25 - 10:00 AM3/28/25 - 10:00 AM
2/12/25 - 12:30 PM5/7/25 - 12:30 PM
2/28/25 - 10:00 AM5/19/25 - 12:30PM

Register here capemaytech.com

TEAS test

The ATI TEAS, or TEST of Essential Academic Skills, is a standardized exam that nursing programs use to assess applicants. The  idea behind the exam is to test an applicant's readiness for nursing school. The TEAS exam covers four main content areas: reading, math, science, and english and language usage.

Tests are offered on the following dates at 9:00AM:

1/16/25: 4:00 PM4/11/25:  9:00 AM
2/3/25:  4:00 PM4/15/25:  4:00 PM
2/21/25:  9:00 AM5/1/25:  4:00 PM
3/13/25:  4:00 PM5/9/25:  9:00 AM
3/21/25:  9:00 AM5/16/25:  9:00 AM

Register at capemaytech.com

GED exam

The GED exam is taken on a computer and covers four subjects: mathematical reasoning, reasoning through language arts, social studies, and science. Each subject requires a separate test. You do not have to take them all at once.

Tests are offered on the following dates:


See testing times and register at GED.com

NJ Requirements for GED ID

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Elizabeth Satterfield