Michael Adams | Environmental Science and Sustainability | madams@capemaytech.com |
Christine Abrams | Commercial Art & Design | cabrams@capemaytech.com |
Chelsea Berkey | Exploratory Aide | cberkey@capemaytech.com |
David Billig | Exploratory | dbillig@capemaytech.com |
Janis Cafaro | Cosmetology Aide | jcafaro@capemaytech.com |
Adam Dunning | Carpentry & Property Management | adunning@capemaytech.com |
Paul Ellenberg | Computer & Information Technolgy | pellenberg@capemaytech.com |
Jordan Geller | Law | jgeller@capemaytech.com |
Timothy Grant | PowerSports | tgrant@capemaytech.com |
Stephanie Hayhurst | Exploratory | shayhurst@capemaytech.com |
Danielle Herman | Exploratory Aide | dherman@capemaytech.com |
Jackie Holland | High School Cosmetology | jholland@capemaytech.com |
Thomas Jackson | Welding | tjackson@capemaytech.com |
Christopher Jones | Communication Arts Tech | cjones@capemaytech.com |
Edward Leszczynski | Exploratory | eleszczynski@capemaytech.com |
Daniel Loesch | Law & Public Safety | dloesch@capemaytech.com |
Michael Palombo | Exploratory Aide | mpalombo@capemaytech.com |
Gwen Raring | Culinary Arts | graring@capemaytech.com |
Kara Reinhardt | Exploratory Aide | kreinhardt@capemaytech.com |
Lisa Roach | Exploratory | lroach@capemaytech.com |
Stephen Serano | Culinary Arts | sserano@capemaytech.com |
Hanna Toft | Natural Science | hannatoft@capemaytech.com |
Maria VanWormer | Travel & Tourism | mvanwormer@capemaytech.com |
Nicholas Vittorini | HVAC | nvittorini@capemaytech.com |
Eric Weeks | Photography | eweeks@capemaytech.com |
Micah Wenker | Allied Medical | mwenker@capemaytech.com |
Rachel Wenker | Pre-Engineering | mwenker@capemaytech.com |
Linda Orsatti-Wiker | Early Childhood | lorsatti-wiker@capemaytech.com |
Shannon Costello | English | scostello@capemaytech.com |
Jason Godfrey | English | jgodfrey@capemaytech.com |
Brian Halsey | English | bhalsey@capemaytech.com |
Diane Kashuda | English | dkashuda@capemaytech.com |
Samuel Picketts | English | spicketts@capemaytech.com |
Monica Pleasants | English | mopleasants@capemaytech.com |
Therea Reidy | English | treidy@capemaytech.com |
Joseph Bresan | Mathematics | jbresan@capemaytech.com |
Madeline Craig | Mathematics | mcraig@capemaytech.com |
Kimberly Headley | Mathematics | kheadley@capemaytech.com |
Young Lee | Mathematics | ylee@capemaytech.com |
Marcus Patterson | Mathematics | mpatterson@capemaytech.com |
Samantha Swetra | Mathematics | sswetra@capemaytech.com |
Emma Zurawski | Mathematics | ezurawski@capemaytech.com |
Joshua Andrewson | Science | jandrewson@capemaytech.com |
Emily Dougan | Science | edougan@capemaytech.com |
Thomas Foster | Science | tfoster@capemaytech.com |
Kimberly Platt | Science | kplatt@capemaytech.com |
Julie Stratton | Science | jstratton@capemaytech.com |
Bryan Weigly | Science | bweigly@capemaytech.com |
Christian Adams | Social Studies | cadams@capemaytech.com |
George Boyer | Social Studies | gboyer@capemaytech.com |
Matthew McElroy | Social Studies | mmcelroy@capemaytech.com |
Gina Tack | Social Studies | gtack@capemaytech.com |
Jason Vilimas | Social Studies | jvilimas@capemaytech.com |
Maria McGreevy | Spanish | mmcgreevy@capemaytech.com |
Tiffany Narciso | American Sign Language | tnarciso@capemaytech.com |
Tiffany Torres | Spanish/French | ttorres@capemaytech.com |
Frank Basile | Physical Education | fbasile@capemaytech.com |
Brian Dudley | Physical Education | bdudley@capemaytech.com |
Jon Harris | Physical Education | jharris@capemaytech.com |
Virginia Traber | Physical Education | gtraber@capemaytech.com |
Stephen Campbell | Special Education Teacher | scampbell@capemaytech.com |
Jill Chin-Kozakowski | Special Education Teacher | jkozakowski@capemaytech.com |
Brittany Collins | Special Education Teacher | bcollins@capemaytech.com |
Shannon Costello | Special Education Teacher | scostello@capemaytech.com |
Nancy Embs | Special Education Teacher | nembs@capemaytech.com |
Edward Janda | Special Education Teacher | ejanda@capemaytech.com |
Jill Shustock | Special Education Teacher | jstustock@capemaytech.com |
Michelle Smith | Special Education One-to-One Aide | msmith@capemaytech.com |
Samantha Swetra | Special Education Teacher | sswetra@capemaytech.com |
Nicole Zajack | Special Education Teacher | nzajack@capemaytech.com |
Inger Burnside | High School Secretary | iburnside@capemaytech.com |
Mary Beth Ciccarone | High School Secretary | mciccarone@capemaytech.com |
John Longinetti | Assistant Principal | jlonginetti@capemaytech.com |
Donald Nelson | Director of Security | dnelson@capemaytech.com |
David Smith | Director of Athletics & Supervisor of Health/PE | dsmith@capemaytech.com |
Kevin O'Brien | Security Guard | kobrien@capemaytech.com |
Megan Thompson | Supervisor of Humanities/Data Coach | mthompson@capemaytech.com |
Steve Vitiello | Principal | svitiello@capemaytech.com |
Christie Volpe-Stratoti | Secretary to the Director of Curriculum & Instruction | cvolpe-stratoti@capemaytech.com |
Britanny Cascia | Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant | bcascia@capemaytech.com |
Joseph Cascia | Guidance Counselor | jcascia@capemaytech.com |
Sharon Denafo | Child Study Team Supervisor | sdenafo@capemaytech.com |
Nichole Johnson | Child Study Team Secretary | njohnson@capemaytech.com |
Marc Roesch | Guidance Counselor | mroesch@capemaytech.com |
Diana Staino | Supervisor of Guidance | dstaino@capemaytech.com |
Carly Stranges | School Pyschologist | cstranges@capemaytech.com |
Talia Branda | Guidance Counselor | tbranda@capemaytech.com |
Renee Yahara | Guidance Secretary | ryahara@capemaytech.com |
Susan Jurusz | Supervisor of Adult & Community Education and Grant Coordinator, Chief HSE Examiner |
sjurusz@capemaytech.com |
Kathy Rickards | Admin Secretary for Post Secondary | krickards@capemaytech.com |
Sally Rutherford | Adult and Community Education Coordinator | srutherford@capemaytech.com |
Linda Erickson | Human Resources | lerickson@capemaytech.com |
Stephanie Fisher | Accounts Payable | sfisher@capemaytech.com |
Lauren Flynn | District Business Administrator/Board Secretary | lflynn@capemaytech.com |
Michele Gray | Purchasing | mgray@capemaytech.com |
Keturah Moschella | Assistant to the Business Administrator | kmoschella@capemaytech.com |
Jamie Moscony | Superintendent | jmoscony@capemaytech.com |
Juliette Traina | District Accountant | jtraina@capemaytech.com |
Valerie Winter | Executive Assistant to the Superintendent | vwinter@capemaytech.com |
Jennifer Agostini | Media Center/Library | jfritzagostini@capemaytech.com |
Ronald Fenton | Director of Facilities | rfenton@capemaytech.com |
Kathleen Giangiulio | School Nurse | kgiangiulio@capemaytech.com |
Anne Gibboni | Facilities Secretary | agibboni@capemaytech.com |
Elizabeth Satterfield | ABE/GED/ESL Office | esatterfield@capemaytech.com |
Kristen Schaffer | Director of Curriculum & Instruction | kschaffer@capemaytech.com |
Debbie Valletto | Admissions/Alumni/Advancement Coordinator | dvalletto@capemaytech.com |
Jon DeVico | Technology Systems Technician | jdevico@capemaytech.com |
Mike Matthews | District Data Manager | mmatthews@capemaytech.com |
Sarantos Nikolaidis | Technology Systems Technician | snikolaidis@capemaytech.com |
David Stratoti | Coordinator of Computer Services/Info Tech | dstratoti@capemaytech.com |
Anthony Volpe | Director of Technology & Network Operations | avolpe@capemaytech.com |