Josh Andrewson
Science Teacher
- 609 • 380 • 0200 x158
Chemistry (College Prep)
Prerequisite: Biology
Chemistry is a laboratory and inquiry-based science course in which students investigate the composition of matter
and the physical and chemical changes it undergoes. Computer-based and traditional laboratory techniques will be
used to obtain, organize and analyze data. Conclusions are developed using both qualitative and quantitative
procedures. Topics include, but are not limited to: acid and bases, atomic structure, chemical bonding, chemical
equilibrium, chemical quantities, chemical reactions, environmental chemistry, gas laws, properties of matter, the
periodic table, scientific measurements, solutions, and stoichiometry. Activities include laboratory exercises, field
experiences, use of electronic media, and topical events. These will be integrated with concurrent academic and
vocational programs. Students will acquire the science skills necessary for understanding chemistry and how it
applies to the real world. Through these activities, students will acquire science skills necessary in understanding the
process of life and will be prepared for various high stakes assessments.
Chemistry (Honors)
Prerequisite: Biology
Honors Chemistry is designed to give the more advanced student the opportunity to study the
topics of chemistry, what they are composed of, how their properties are related to their composition, and how one
substitute interacts with another. Computer-based and traditional laboratory techniques are used to obtain, organize
and analyze data. Conclusions are developed using both qualitative and quantitative procedures. As an Honors course,
the pacing will be quicker than the CP level and the material will go into more depth. Also covered are the
fundamental theories and principles involved in all chemical reactions through a series of lab experiments. Through
these activities, students will acquire science skills necessary in understanding the process of life and will be prepared
for various high stakes assessments.
Biology (College Prep)
In Biology, students will develop an understanding of the fundamental principles that characterize living organisms. Students will explore biological science as a process, cell structure and function, genetics, evolution, and the ecological roles of living organisms. The student will be involved in various hands-on activities and labs, which will stimulate interest in the subject matter. Activities will include laboratory exercises, field experiences, use of electronic media, research, writing lab reports, and designing presentations. Through these activities, students will acquire science skills necessary in understanding the process of life and will be prepared for various high stakes assessments
Biology (Honors)
Honors Biology is designed for the advanced student who is interested in a comprehensive biology course that is fast-paced and explores in-depth content. Students will develop an understanding of the fundamental principles that characterize living organisms. Students will explore biological science as a process, cell structure and function, genetics, evolution, and the ecological roles of living organisms. Independent research and project work will be emphasized. Through these activities, students will acquire science skills necessary in understanding the process of life and will be prepared for various high stakes assessments.
Physics (College Prep)
Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry
Physics provides students with a scientific explanation of the physical world and is the study of matter and energy. In
this course, computer-based and traditional laboratory techniques are used to obtain, organize and analyze data. With
this hands-on approach, students will utilize laboratory tools to perform scientific inquiry and student-centered
learning and perform laboratory experiments to discover the mathematical relationships that describe physical
Physics (Honors)
Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry, Geometry Honors Physics is geared to the more advanced students in math and science who are planning a career in engineering or similar pursuits. In this class, the focus will center upon lab activities and mathematics to describe and predict the behavior of objects of all sizes, from electrons to planets in the solar system. Topics will include motion, forces, energy, waves, light, sound, electricity, and magnetism. This course prepares students for the New Jersey Student Learning Assessment- Science (NJSLA-S).
Advanced Placement Physics 1 (Science Elective)
Prerequisite: AP level requires an A average in Honors Algebra II or concurrently taking Honors Algebra II, Honors Physics Recommended. AP Physics I is designed to be equivalent to a first year college course in Physics. Students can obtain college credit for this course by scoring well on the AP exam in May. AP Physics I is the second of a two- year sequence that is designed to prepare students to take the AP Physics I examination. This course emphasizes problem solving in the context of the principles of physical laws and principles as well as the ability to apply that knowledge and skill to phenomena in either an experimental or theoretical setting. Great attention is given to strengthening and reinforcing the natural connections between the sciences and mathematics; these same skills will be developed theoretically and through hands-on applications. Students will be involved in problem solving activities individually and collaboratively.
Science Teacher
Science Teacher
Science Teacher
Science Teacher
Science Teacher